SW40+ QRP transceiver

I like portable operation and I have a transceiver allocated exclusively for this purpose. It is a Yaesu FT-890AT which is fine if the operation is something serious ,like a filed day, but it is a bit of overkill for taking along on a weekend or on a business trip just for  fun.

For more relaxed operating I need a transceiver quite small in size, with low output power (QRP) and low power  requirements. I had seriously hard time deciding on the band, I wanted them all! After a lot of though I decided to try 40m and the transceiver should be a kit.

So,  I ordered a SmallWonder Labs SW40+ , one of the most popular single band transceivers available. Believe it or not, after my order was received, I had the kit in my hands in 5 days!!! (After I got it, I was really sorry that I did not also ordered the enclosure, which I did a bit later).

The kit quality is outstanding! There is no missing parts, everything is clearly marked and even a beginner can assemble this kit. The pcb is single layer but with plated-through holes and as I discovered later this adds to the mechanical stability of the kit. When you solder a component, the solder is flowing  through the hole and reaches the other side. When you turn over the PCB on the components’ side it seems like the component is soldered on both sides! Excellent!

I followed the instructions and I was surprised to see that it was easier than I thought, after 2 hours this was my progress

SW40 Two hours later

Progress after 2 hours!

I was amazed at my progress because I was proceeding slowly  ( I prefer to be more careful than required and  double check  everything than coming back because something was misplaced).

I decided to  go on a bit more and after 2 more hours the kit was almost complete,I had soldered everything but the toroids and the final transistor.

SW40 Four hours later

Progress after 4 hours!

Then I had a small shock! I had one resistor lying on the table!!! How did this happen? Did I miss something or did the kit contain one more resistor? I inspected the kit thoroughly but without luck! It must be a spare resistor (at least this is more convenient to me)!

I would have finished it today, but I want to check it tomorrow with a clear mind, just in case I missed something. Besides that, winding toroids is not one of my favorites and it takes (me) a lot of time. So, the project will continue tomorrow!

73, SV3DJG